Assessment tools are universally used to aid employee engagement and foster a better workplace culture, but this culture shift doesn’t simply happen after the study is completed. Using helpful data to assemble a strategy that brings employees and managers together will allow you to start seeing the results you’re looking for.

Progress Coaching’s Dual Assessment Strategy fosters the relationships between managers and employees by highlighting areas where both parties can increase cooperation, understanding, and provide insight where they can make improvement in key interpersonal areas. This two-part coaching approach, with targeted support after the initial assessments, allows the disconnect between manager and employee to be brought to the forefront and initiate the coaching relationship.

How it Works

  1. Managers complete their SOAR assessment- Strengths, Opportunities, Actions, and Responsibilities. This highlights their perceptions of employee improvement and reinforcement areas.
  2. Employees complete their GOAL assessment-Great, Opportunity, Actions, and Love. This specifically depicts what the employee wants to accomplish and their perceptions of what it takes to be successful.
  3. Once both assessments are complete, Progress Coaching will create a custom coaching strategy specific to the results of both assessments.

* Note: We Are Seeking Partners

We are in need of coaching partners seeking to expand their services. Our business model is very unique and allows 3 revenue streams from service, training, and shared project services. If interested send Tim Hagen, Our President, an email with "assessment partner" on the subject line and he will get back to you right away.

What You Get

Multi-faceted approach:

By assessing both the employee and manager, you receive a full picture of improvement areas and targeted insights that guide your coaching focus.

Custom Plans:

No two relationships are the same, and the data you receive should reflect that. We assemble custom plans for each assessment, tailoring our approach to the needs of each situation.

Real Time Support:

We’re with you every step of the way when it comes to coaching. You’ll have 90 days of free and unlimited support on our "Coach the Coach" platform to get you off and running, and to give you motivation and assistance when you need it.

Check it Out

Want to see what you’re getting before you buy it? Check out our sample results set we created for a client below:

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Help build greater engagement, take the guesswork out of coaching, and position your managers to start coaching today with our Dual Assessment Strategy.

Contact us for more information on Our Coaching Starter Dual Assessment Strategy Approach

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